Catullus and Sappho

Many find Quintia stunning. I find her attractive:
Tall, “regal,” fair in complexion—these points are granted.
But stunning? No, I deny it: the woman is scarcely venerious,
There’s no spice at all in the length of her body!
Now Lesbia is stunning, for Lesbia’s beauty is total:
And by that sum all other women are diminished.

Egnatius, because he has bright white teeth,always smiles: If someone comes to the defendant'sbench, when the speaker arouses weeping,he grins; If there is weeping at the funeral pyre ofa dutiful son, when the bereaved mother laments her only son,he grins. Whatever it is, wherever he is,whatever he is doing, he grins: he has this disease,neither elegant, as I think, nor refined.Therefore I must warn you, my good Egnatius.If you were a city man or a Sabine or a Tiburnanor a thrifty Umbrian or a fat Etruscanor a swarthy or toothy Lanuvian ora Transpadane, to touch on my own people as well,or anyone you like who cleans his teeth with clean water,I still should not want you to smile on all occasions:for nothing is more silly than a silly smile.Now you are a Celtiberian: in the land of Celtiberia,whatever each man has urinated, with this he is accustomedin the morning to rub his teeth and gums until they are red,so that the more polished those teeth of yours are,the more urine they proclaim you to have drunk.

My woman says there is no one whom she’d rather marry
Than me, not even Jupiter, if he came courting.
That’s what she says—but what a woman says to a passionate lover
Ought to be scribbled on wind, on running water.

Mentula is an adulterer. Why certainly he is. How could he be anythingelse with a name such as his. It is as natural as for a pot to gather vegetables.

Excerpts from Sappho
‘Some say horsemen, some say warriors’

Some say horsemen, some say warriors,
Some say a fleet of ships is the loveliest
Vision in this dark world, but I say it’s
What you love.

It’s easy to make this clear to everyone,
Since Helen, she who outshone
All others in beauty, left
A fine husband,

And headed for Troy
Without a thought for
Her daughter, her dear parents…
Led astray….

And I recall Anaktoria, whose sweet step
Or that flicker of light on her face,
I’d rather see than Lydian chariots
Or the armed ranks of the hoplites.

‘Stand up and look at me, face to face’

Stand up and look at me, face to face
My friend,
Unloose the beauty of your eyes.....

‘Love shook my heart’

Love shook my heart,
Like the wind on the mountain
Troubling the oak-trees.

‘He’s equal with the Gods, that man’

He’s equal with the Gods, that man
Who sits across from you,
Face to face, close enough, to sip
Your voice’s sweetness,

And what excites my mind,
Your laughter, glittering. So,
When I see you, for a moment,
My voice goes,

My tongue freezes. Fire,
Delicate fire, in the flesh.
Blind, stunned, the sound
Of thunder, in my ears.

Shivering with sweat, cold
Tremors over the skin,
I turn the colour of dead grass,
And I’m an inch from dying.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Katherine's Response

1. Catullus sees beauty physically. Looks matter the most when he’s judging the two girls. He is shallow in judging the two when he says there is “no spice” in Quintia, while “summing up” all that constitutes for Lesbia’s beauty. Inner beauty is not taken into account.


In #33 Catullus open suggests to his Ipsitilla to get ready for his arrival home so that they can have sex. Again this shows Catullus’s bluntness when he speaks about women. He is in charge and holds the power. In my opinion he is insensitive. In #41 Catullus speaks of a prostitute with whom he’s had an encounter with. She is ugly and crazy in his eyes. Catullus does not feel bad for this prostitute who seems to be sick and needs some kind of medical attention. He simply rambles off about how ugly she is. In #43 Catullus is once again insensitive to a woman. She’s ugly to him because she isn’t beautiful physically. He still sees outer beauty instead of inner, and compares all women to Lesbia – the most beautiful woman to him, instead of seeing the good in every person individually.

Yes, his social commentary is valuable for modern times. In reality people have not advanced as much as we think. Men still think that they’re in control of women in their love lives and expect to get some when they get home. If you aren’t beautiful on the outside its hard for someone to fall in love with you because of all the shallow men out there like Catullus. However physical attraction does have a lot to do with a relationship.

You need to love yourself, discover yourself before you can ever be with another.It's about being comfortable in your own skin before falling for some one else. Romantic love is selfless. It is being yourself no matter what and allowing the other person to be who they are. It's about trust and respect before love really comes into play.


Elias H said...

I think the solution to finding a lover for an unattractive woman or man is to look for someone different. They could maybe go to a different country with abundant men or women that could potentially be attracted to them. Another solution would be to get rid of the traditional thinking about what is the perfect man or woman. That is, find beauty in non-traditional ways such as try larger women or skinnier men or vice versa.

CRYSTAL said...

I understand how you came to the conclusion that Catullus is insensitive but i have to disagree when it comes to poem 32. In the poem he does want the female to stay in and wait for him to arrive so that they may have sex. But he is not giving an order, he is begging. He even says "if you want it, give the order". He totally gives her the control in this situation. Therefore i don't really think this is being insensitive.

Ira said...

Bacdoor..what do you mean when you say "they could go to a different country?"What nonsense is that?
Why someone who is not beautiful enough should change his residence to find love? I can accept your second solution...Getting rid of formulas that defines what beauty is..Actually this is why Catullys was using all those mathematical terms in describing Lesbia's body since even in those times beauty was defined and standardized...And unfortunately who does not fall into these standards is now allowed to find love? Thank god there are still people out there who goese beyond standards of beauty.Each of us is beautiful in his own way.

Anthony Farrar said...

I feel that inner beauty is not mentioned because Cattulus is actually being HUMAN. Physical appearence is the first trait that one percieves, and I feel that in todays society is often times overlooked. While it is not the most important trait, one is entitled to be perfect woman. He has is own standards for beauty, and there should be someone that fits his description. I see why you say he is insensitive, but I see him as a controversial comedian that says something jarring but in the back of your mind you say " thats so TRUE". Alot of the things he says appeals to the primitive mind because it seems to be driven off of personal emotional impulse.

Jonathan.Yeung27 said...

You're saying,

"If you aren’t beautiful on the outside its hard for someone to fall in love with you because of all the shallow men out there like Catullus. However physical attraction does have a lot to do with a relationship."

If physical attraction plays a big part in the forming of a relationship like you say, why are men who are interested in beautiful women denigrated as being shallow? Are they only being shallow when all they care about are your looks?

To be honest, if a man isn't interested in a female past her looks, she's probably lacking in the personality department.

If a girl has a great personality but ain't that attractive, she should be hitting the gym more often. We guys want the full package, and to settle for less should be a crime.

Ira said...

Actually Jonathan, the same thing as you said about women is valid also for men...If a man has a great personality but ain't that attractive, he should be hitting the gym more often. We girls want the full package, and to settle for less should be a crime.
Beside I do think only man who are not that good looking always look for beautiful perfect women so that they can feel more self confident. I find good looking man are less shallow since they are more self confident about their physical aspect and they often fall in love with less attractive women...
I do agree though that especially nowadays and in a city like NY the whole story about inner beauty is BS.. Everyone both males and females are looking for hot and good looking partners!